Semiconductors are key components in modern technology. They are used in all types of computing such as PCs, phones and tablets, and are increasingly incorporated into other appliances.
Many businesses have been adversely affected by a pandemic-related shortage of semiconductors, or computer chips. Recently large auto companies such as Ford, GM and Toyota have announced production cuts due to the lack of availability of chips used in their vehicles.
The chip shortage has been seen by governments around the world as a national security issue, and steps are being taken in some countries to provide funding for semiconductor research and production.
With this in mind, I have been wondering what this chip shortage might mean for the E-Cat products that Leonardo Corporation is planning to introduced, so I asked about it on the Journal of Nuclear Physics today.
Frank Acland
August 22, 2021 at 9:50 AM
Dear Andrea,There is a big concern on the shortage of semiconductor chips these days which is affecting many industries.
1. Will e-cat products use these kinds of chips?
2. Will this shortage affect your ability to meet the demand you expect for your products?Andrea Rossi
August 22, 2021 at 1:41 PM
Frank Acland:
1- Our A.I. has chips
2- I am not able to answer for the future: so far we should not have problems, although we’d have higher prices, but the competitivity of the Ecat in itself and its environmental impact should make a compensation.
We’ll see.
Warm Regards,