The following has been submitted by ECW reader Peter Ljungqvist
Considerations on the December 9 presentation
Like many, I was looking forward to the December 9 presentation by Andrea Rossi (AR).
The ‘conventional’ way to solve the energy crisis, fusion energy, continues to need about 30 more years until success, according to its proponents. But as I have been around for quite some time, that is about the same situation as in 1970, except then, success was to be within 20 years.
Around 1990 cold fusion was presented and the experiments were reported as not being possible to replicate and so the area fell into disrepute. You could not even talk about it. If you did, you were excommunicated, in much the same way as Galileo was incarcerated in 1633 for suggesting that the Earth moved around the Sun. The sentence was nullified in 2000.
Around 2005, I managed a privately financed fusion research project, based on saturating metals with deuterium, and creating fusing reactions in the metal lattice. On our team, we had a university researcher who had performed a successful cold fusion replication, but he was forbidden by his employer, a Swedish engineering university to publish his results and continue the experiments.
So, my interest in this field goes back quite some time. But as I have learned, you should not let your enthusiasm for a solution cloud your judgement. Believe what you see.
The presentation did not make me a customer, believer, or a supporter. What I saw was a continuation of small disclosures, much like previous appearances by AR and his technology. Given the preparation time, I had expected more operational data, and a clear, convincing demo of over unity power, and blinding light.
What has become public, is that there is military interest in this technology area, as witnessed by patents both in the US and in Russia. A number of experiments, possible to replicate, have shown very interesting developments – like transmutation of elements, including influencing the half-life of radioactive elements, excess energy, all ideas worth pursuing.
The device presented probably does not derive its output from LENR reactions, at least not on something that is purposely added to the device. Hence, the statement of 100.000 hours operational life (11,5 years!).
31,5 hours after the AR presentation, a review of how the AR device could actually work was published by Bob Greenyer, who is a volunteer with the MFMP, a project that openly disseminates knowledge in the LENR, transmutation and new energy fields. The revelations made are well worth listening to, even if his presentation is long.
Bob Greenyer even suggested that a competition should be set up, with a prize to the person or group that first replicates what AR presented, complete with a set of engineering drawings. Everybody is welcome to participate! An initiative I believe all readers here would support.
The concept for the competition is being developed on the same page and comments and ideas are welcome. And if you were considering a lamp, perhaps contributing some prize money serves development in this field better.
And for those who want to pick up the challenge, the presentation is a good start and can be found here:
Think in terms of manipulating a plasma such that it works like a heat pump, or perhaps an electric charge pump, so you can tap it for electric energy.
It should be pointed out, that the technology, coherent matter, or ball lightening, is not without risks. It comes with a possibility to produce a novel, largely unrecognised form of adiation that has biological effects, which have been studied in Russia. Additionally, one should note that several prominent researchers in this field have died from unusual cancers, so researchers should exercise caution. The first person to try to identify this strange radiation was the 1917 Nobel Laureate Charles Barkla. So be careful.
In line with openness and transparency, principles that historically served us well, I have tried in the past to provide an industrial partner and investor for AR, which did not work out.