“Is the Proton a Plasmoid? (Neutron too?)”: LPP Fusion Paper

Thanks to a reader for sending me a link to an article published by LPP Fusion, a New Jersey company seeking to develop fusion energy generators using a method they describe as “Focus Fusion.”

LPP Fusion has just published on their website a paper titled: “Is the Proton a Plasmoid (Neutron too?)”


Here is the article’s introduction:

Plasma structures that are confined by their own magnetic fields, called plasmoids, are central
to LPPFusion’s approach to fusion energy generation. It is in the dense, hot plasmoids that
the fusion reactions in our FF-2B device take place. Researchers have long known that plasmoids
are formed in nature at much larger astrophysical scales in the sun’s atmosphere, in the
formation of stars, all the way up to giant quasars. We’ve used observation of astrophysical
objects to create our theories of plasmoids and filament in our dense plasma focus device (DPF).
We imitate nature as the fastest path to fusion.

As we prepare for experiment this year with pB11 fuel, we know that important things will be
quite different for our micron-sized plasmoids than for giant ones in solar flares. For one thing,
quantum effects will be much more important.

But now, exciting new experiments at much smaller scales, probing the structure of neutrons
and protons, have raised the possibility that plasmoid-like objects may exist at those scales as
well. Indeed, it’s even possible, although far from established, that plasmoids may be central
to the nature of the nuclear fusion energy that drives the sun, the stars, and the entire

These new discoveries will help us at LPPFusion to scale UP predictions from the very
small, where quantum effects dominate, as well as from the very large. We think this will
speed our work with hydrogen-boron ( pB11) fusion fuel in the coming year, and open up
new opportunities for collaboration with other researchers at the cutting edge of basic and
applied research.