Energy Institute: “Energy system struggles in face of geopolitical and environmental crises”

The UK-based Energy Institute has released its 2023 Statistical Review of World Energy which reviews and analyzes energy-related data from the previous year.

A media release highlights the key findings:

A few highlights:

  • Solar and wind reached a record 12% share of power generation.
  • Energy-related emissions increased by 0.8%
  • Fossil fuels comprised 82% of total energy consumption
  • Wind and solar had the largest ever increase in new deployments

In this media release, the Energy Institute president Juliet Davenport stated:

“The EI Statistical Review provides a high-level view of how our energy systems are adapting to escalating geopolitical and environmental crises.

“2022 saw some of the worst ever impacts of climate change – the devastating floods affecting millions in Pakistan, the record heat events across Europe and North America – yet we have to look hard for positive news on the energy transition in this new data.

“Despite further strong growth in wind and solar in the power sector, overall global energy-related greenhouse gas emissions increased again. We are still heading in the opposite direction to that required by the Paris Agreement.”