You don’t have to look very far these days to detect a real sense of fear about the future climate of our planet. Many people have been living through extremely hot weather, which has been exacerbated by wildfires and drought. There is also a lot of focus in the media about weather and climate problems.
One example:
This week an article in Nature ( warned that an important ocean current known as the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) is in danger of collapsing in this century if greenhouse gas emissions continue to increase. The AMOC carries warm water towards Europe, and a collapse of the current would lead to a much colder European climate, as well as drier conditions in parts of North America, and greater risks of storms for the East coast of the United States due to heating in the Tropics.
The authors of the study state that if their model is correct, there is a 95% probability of this collapse starting between 2025 and 2095). One of the study’s authors, told CBS news (
“If we stop our emissions, it will not collapse . . . The disturbing part about this study is that we have to react much faster than we perhaps would like to do. … It’s yet another wake-up call or warning sign that we have to react faster than we do.”
Not all scientists are convinced by the predictions of this study, for various reasons. However, I think the point stands that alarming studies like this published in prestigious journals such as Nature have the effect of focusing people on possible disastrous outcomes if nothing is done to curb greenhouse emissions.
Another example:
Guardian yesterday reported that the United Nations secretary general, António Guterres, stated that the era of “global boiling” has arrived, to replace global warming. He was commenting after scientists have stated that July 2023 is likely to be the hottest month on record.
“Climate change is here. It is terrifying. And it is just the beginning,” Guterres said. “It is still possible to limit global temperature rise to 1.5C [above pre-industrial levels], and avoid the very worst of climate change. But only with dramatic, immediate climate action.” (
With so much focus on the need to cut emissions to avoid climate catastrophe, I believe this really is an opportune time for Andrea Rossi to show how his E-Cat technology can make a real difference in the way energy is produced. I would imagine that if Andrea Rossi’s claims are confirmed by a convincing demonstration E-Cats providing virtually infinite range in electric vehicles, without producing any greenhouse emissions, one would think that those looking for swift climate solutions would be very interested in the E-Cat.
Obviously no major technological change can be implemented instantly, but no one is expecting an instant solution. There is a great deal of discussion these days about an energy transition, away from fossil fuels and towards sustainable clean energy. Such a transition could take a long time. But if the E-Cat emerges as an alternative energy source that is clearly better than others available, it may give focus to a transition and speed it up.