It looks like E-Cat SKLeps are about to get bigger.
When you click on the datasheet link on the top menu of the website, there is this statement:
Please note:
As we resolve technical problems that were discovered in October 2023, we are making some modifications to our E-Cat SKLep cells. Therefore, the datasheet will be modified soon, after we have completed testing that is currently on course. All data related to the size, weight and power density of the E-Cat SKLep will be different, as we have added new components to our cells.The link below is for the E-Cat SKLep before the modifications, and is provided here for informational purposes only.
There is no word, of course, about what the new components are, or what their role is. Andrea Rossi has stated that he hopes to restart the livestream of the lamp this year, so we may be able to see the difference in size when it goes online.